
Out of Body Pop w/ Will Soer

Sunday – 21:00-22:00 (GMT/CET) – Every 4 weeks


‘‘I put my mind into the machine and the machine performs reality’ – Lee Scratch Perry
It’s difficult to describe Out Of Body Pop music, but easy to recognise. Does it feel at home on Heart or Capitol fm? No. Does it feel hard or industrial? Never. Does the main riff seem to swell up through the floor like some warm, ghostly bubble bath? Sometimes… Will Soer – a minor control freak who is currently writing in the third person for the sake of consistency – originally put the show together whilst studying Anthropology in Edinburgh, hoping to share music that speaks to those times in life when everything is a bit strange. It made sense to mix in spoken word, which was initially sourced from streets and smoking areas before he started asking friends to help record books which didn’t have audiobooks yet. After 2 years of dissertation writing, magazine designing, tour guiding, stockroom soundtracking and editing for Threads’ sister site Loose Lips, Will is settled London, and his show has a new home in Tottenham. For more of Will Soer’s work, check out his blog (please): outofbodypop.wordpress.com’
