

sub_ʇxǝʇ is an itinerant platform for research, discussion and sonic knowledge production based at the ZK/U Center for Art and Urbanism, Berlin and 199 Radio, London. With content ranging from political discourse, sonic landscapes, audio essays with beats from Tim Laing and resident DJ Willie One Time aka Ramen Radio.

Corrupted artwork: Nabil Sami/Alex Head

what is the sub_ʇxǝʇ?
┴oday the spread and scale of textual information over the planet creates limitless streams of implicit and opaque meanings.
┴he more one encounters the more one becomes informed.
Ⅎor better or worse the more one comprehends the less one understands.

فانتشار ونطاق المعلومات
النصية على كوكب الأرض يخلق تيارات لا حدود لها من المعاني الضمنية والمعتمة. وكلما واجهت الآخر يتم إبلاغ أكثر. لأفضل أو أسوأ أكثر واحد يفهم أقل واحد يفهم.