INTERVIEW: with Alan Streets, Outsider Artist

INTERVIEW: with Alan Streets, Outsider Artist

“These artists are inventors of a private world, not in dialogue with art history but in conversation with their own visions and emotions.” — Sarah Lombardi, Director of Collection de l’Art Brut, on outsider artists. London, opposite Parliament. Alone by...
“FREEDOM” by Reginald BoClair

“FREEDOM” by Reginald BoClair

I met Reginald BoClair in May 2023, through the Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project Justice, Policy, and Culture Think Tank at Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois. Reginald and I bonded over shared interests in political philosophy, Chicago house...
REVIEW: Bohren & Der Club of Gore @ Union Chapel

REVIEW: Bohren & Der Club of Gore @ Union Chapel

Contributor Josefus Haze caught Bohren & Der Club of Gore at Union Chapel last Friday, where the German doom jazz outfit performed their latest album Patchouli Blue in full. Here’s his take on what went down in one of London’s most distinctive venues....
INTERVIEW: with Graham Pilling, Army of Cats Studio

INTERVIEW: with Graham Pilling, Army of Cats Studio

Arthur Schopenhauer said that all arts aspire to the condition of music, meaning that among the arts, music is all but alone in allowing the artist to appeal to their audience directly, without the intervention of a medium of communication in common use for other...
Q&A: Our Heartbeats DJs 

Q&A: Our Heartbeats DJs 

Tomorrow night, Friday 30th August, The Post Bar in Tottenham hosts No Borders; a night of global sounds, co-organised by Wile Out Music & Counterpoint Arts, showcasing both established DJs and young up & coming selectors who have come through Our...