by content | Jan 22, 2019
Outré Voyage Thursday – 18:00-20:00 (GMT/CET) – Every 8 weeks Outré Voyage invites you to join a two-hour journey through varying musical landscapes, arriving at an uncanny land of pleasure for your ears – and for your mind. Bon voyage! Outré...
by Admin Threads | Aug 26, 2018
Dazed and Confuzed // Abuzed Friday – 22:00-00:00 GMT – Every 4 weeks Dazed and Confuzed is a project which established back in 2014. Mainly focused on club-nights or event concerts and always introducing the cutting edge artists of the global electronic...
by Admin Threads | Aug 4, 2018
Int’I Winners – BUSHWICK Tuesday 20:00-22:00 (CET) – Every 4 weeks Curated by the Brooklyn, NYC based music collective International Winners, every four weeks this show presents music focused on innovative dance and experimental genres selected...