Threads Radio is celebrating International Women’s Day with 24 hours of music, conversation, comedy and examples of individual and collective will making great things happen.
We are spotlighting some of the female, trans, FI and NB people already involved with Threads, alongside special guest slots and mixes from DJs, producers, activists, academics, friends and mentors we admire. Threads X IWD2020 kicks off at 00:00 March 8th broadcasting non-stop until 23.59.
Tune in to discover: – deep cuts and dance mixes feat. sounds from around the world- activism in global and local politics, education and art- true stories of ambition, creativity and strength. We had such a great response to our call-outs that we’ve made each slot an hour to fit more in – any extra shows will be broadcast at a later date (and watch out for our regular outreach slot, launched recently to platform people and projects worth shouting about). It’s really great – and not at all surprising – that our IWD programme could easily have been a weekender.
Whether you tune in for an hour or stay locked all day, we hope it kindles your own female energy, because god(dess) knows we need to create and connect now more than ever. Tune in all day at www.threadsradio.com